News of the Institute

The Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation announces the opening of a competition for the International Prize within the framework of the UNESCO L'OREAL program "For Women in Science" - 2023. Based on the results of…
From April 11 to 15, the XXIV International Scientific Conference (School) on Marine Geology in memory of Academician A.P. Lisitsyn is being held at the Institute. The geography of the School is as always extensive: from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Vladivostok to Kaliningrad, from Murmansk to Rostov-on-Don…
The 2nd stage of the 60th voyage of the R/V Akademik Ioffe to the tropical Atlantic (December 22, 2021 – February 7, 2022) has been completed. The expedition was organized by the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS with the participation of the Faculty of Geography…
The Nauchny Mir publishing house, with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant No. 21-15-00031), published the monograph "Geosystem of the Anapa bay-bar". The authors are employees of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Southern Branch):…
Tuesday, 01 March 2022 13:10

Viktor Anatolyevich Akulichev passed away

Dear colleagues! We regret to inform you that on February 26, 2022, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Board of the Russian Acoustic Society, President of the Russian Acoustic Society from 2008 to 2019, Viktor Anatolyevich Akulichev, passed away.
The Springer publishing house published the monograph "The Ioffe Drift". The authors are employees of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences: I.O. Murdmaa, E.V. Ivanova, D.G. Borisov, N.A. Shulga, O.V. Levchenko, D.I. Frey, O.B. Dmitrenko, E.V. Dorohova, O.M. Dara, N.V.…
The North-Western Branch of the IO RAS received a grant from the Project Office for the Development of the Arctic "PORA" for the project "Peculiarities of the mesotidal mouths of the Russian Arctic rivers in the conditions of summer low water (on the example of…
Tuesday, 22 February 2022 23:14

May 21 - Polar Explorer's Day

Polar Explorer's Day is a professional holiday established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2013 in recognition of the merits of polar explorers. It is celebrated on May 21st. The date for this professional holiday was not chosen by chance -…
Tuesday, 22 February 2022 22:58

February 19 - Marine Mammal Protection Day

Every year on February 19, the world celebrates International Marine Mammal Protection Day, or World Whale Day, reminding us that even the largest and smartest animals on the planet need protection. The holiday has been celebrated since 1986, when the International Whaling Commission (IWC) banned…
February 22, 2022 - April 17, 2022. State Darwin Museum. The exposition includes about 40 photographs of famous polar travelers, members of the Russian Geographical Society. The authors - oceanologist Mikhail Flint, director Leonid Kruglov, photographer Sergey Gorshkov - brought these shots from their numerous…
Friday, 18 February 2022 10:12

Scientific School "Floating University 2022"

On February 14, 2022, the opening of the three-day scientific school "Floating University 2022" took place at 6 sites in 5 cities of Russia: Moscow, Astrakhan, Kaliningrad, Vladivostok, Sevastopol. More than 1,000 applications from over 140 organizations have been submitted to the school this year.
Saturday, 29 January 2022 14:45

Vladimir Ivanovich Burenkov is 75 years old!

January 27 marks the 75th anniversary of the leading researcher of the Ocean Optics Laboratory Vladimir Ivanovich Burenkov. The whole creative life of Vladimir Ivanovich is connected with the Institute of Oceanology. Cooperation with the Institute began in the student years in the late 60s…
Saturday, 29 January 2022 14:07

Tatyana Anatolyevna Savilova passed away

On January 24, Tatyana Anatolyevna Savilova passed away. Our Tanya is gone - warm, sincere, sympathetic, beloved by everyone in the Laboratory of the bottom fauna of the ocean. Tatyana Anatolyevna came to our Institute in 1974, immediately after graduating from the Department of Hydrobiology, Faculty…
Saturday, 22 January 2022 14:14

Scientific School "Floating University 2022"

In the period from February 14 to 16, 2022, at six sites in five cities of Russia: Moscow, Astrakhan, Vladivostok, Kaliningrad and Sevastopol, the Floating University 2022 scientific school will be held, organized with the participation of leading scientific, educational and commercial organizations associated with…
The Springer publishing house issued the book “Antarctic Peninsula Region of the Southern Ocean” Oceanography and Ecology, the editors of the book are employees of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Evgeny G. Morozov, Mikhail V. Flint, Vasily A. Spiridonov. The…
The Springer publishing house issued the monograph "Bottom Gravity Currents and Overflows in Deep Channels of the Atlantic Ocean" Observations, Analysis, and Modeling. The authors are employees of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Evgeny G. Morozov, Roman Yu. Tarakanov…
The 2nd stage of the 60th voyage of the RV Akademik Ioffe to the tropical Atlantic continues. The scientific program of the expedition includes conducting geological, geophysical, hydrophysical and hydrochemical studies of deep and near-bottom circulation and its impact on sedimentation, as well as observations…
In the article “Poleward expansion of tropical cyclone latitudes in warming climates”, published in the New Year's issue of Nature Geoscience, the authors Joshua Studholme, Alexey V. Fedorov, Sergey K. Gulev, Kerry Emanuel and Kevin Hodges analyze the dynamics of tropical cyclones over the past…
An exhibition “Outpost of Russian Oceanology. To the 75th anniversary of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences" will be held in the RAS Archive at st. Novocheremushkinskaya, 34 from December 15, 2021 to January 15, 2022.
The Russian research vessel Akademik Ioffe, detained in Denmark on November 1, has been released from arrest, has taken off anchor and is heading home. This news late on Tuesday evening, December 7, was confirmed by "RG" at the Institute of Oceanology of RAS with…
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